
  • Registration Information

  • Full Name

  • Business Address

  • Certificate Mailing Address

  • Upload
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  • Referred by
  • PACE - ProfI would like to provide PACE credits to my students and clients:essional Ayurvedic Contiuning Education Provider
  • I would like to provide PACE credits to my students and clients:
  • PACE - Professional Ayurvedic Continuing Education Provider Plans

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.

  • Professional Yoga Continuing Education Provider (PYCE) Plans

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.

  • Yoga Teachers Plans

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.

  • Others Plans

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.

  • For Indian / Nepal / Sri Lanka / Bangladesh

  • Your introduction / write up about you

    I certify that the information I have provided to the IAYOGA is true, correct, and complete. I am not providing false, misleading, or deceptive information, and I understand that if I am providing false, misleading, or deceptive information, IAYOGA will pursue legal action. I understand that I may be asked to provide additional documentation and that IAYOGA reserves the right to verify any and all information that I provide. If I provide false, misleading, or incomplete documentation, I understand and agree that my membership will be revoked and terminated. I understand that no refund will be issued in the event of the cancellation or denial of my application. I agree that I will notify IAYOGA in writing of any civil or criminal complaint made against me. I agree to hold IAYOGA and all its agents, officers, advisers, directors, and employees harmless and indemnify them from any misrepresentation of my credentials and from all claims, loss, judgment, or expense. IAYOGA does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the work or opinions of any individual members. Membership in IAYOGA does not imply licensing by the organization of a member's qualifications, credentials, abilities, or expertise. IAYOGA's objectives are solely for informative and educational purposes. IAYOGA does not assume any responsibility or liability for its members or subscribers, whether individuals or corporate entities, efforts to apply or use the information, suggestions, or recommendations made by the organization, publication resources, or activities. By submitting this application, I understand and agree to the terms stated above. NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED ON MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION.